2024 Connersville Youth Football League 1st-6th Fall Tackle Registration Form
Registration Fee – $115.00
Starting in 2023, all players will receive a personalized (name on the back) jersey which will be theirs to keep. Each year your player is with CYFL, a new jersey can be purchased. This is included in the registration fee.
CYFL will distribute each player with helmet, shoulder pads, and game pants to be used for the season, but must be returned. This equipment is owned by the CYFL and failure to return rented equipment may result in being charged for said equipment. If your player has their own certified helmet or shoulder pads, they are permitted to use them.
Each player is required to provide their own mouthpiece, practice jersey, practice pants, and cleats. Game pants and jerseys will not be permitted at practice.
Equipment handout date will be coordinated by team Head Coach.
To Volunteer for coaching, please click the button below